Flaked Oats-5 Lb.

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Flaked Oats
5 lb bag
Have a Very Distinctive "Sticky" Mouthfeel
Use at a rate up to 30%
Pint Glass Not Included


Pregelatinized oat flakes have been produced specifically for brewing. The process of gelatinizing makes the starches readily soluble and digestible by the naturally occurring enzymes in barley malt. This allows the flakes to be incorporated directly into the mash with other grains. Because the flakes have a large surface area and are pre-cooked, they hydrate and disintegrate quickly. Filtration time will be normal. Oat flakes have been dehulled before being cooked and flaked. Although these flakes are readily attacked by the malt enzymes, yield will be slightly lower than with other pregelatinized flakes. Oat flakes have a very distinctive "sticky" mouthfeel which is noticeable even when used in small amounts. Will add a distinct full-bodied flavor and creamy texture. Primarily used in oatmeal stouts. Use at a rate up to 30%. 2.5 L. Pint glass Not included.