Life In The Gumball Machine (Volume 1)

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Life in the Gumball Machine


Ten-year-old Daisy and her two pals, Michael and Patrick, stumble across an abandoned old shed on their way to the park. Inside, they find a life-sized dusty old gumball machine with thousands of colorful gumballs inside the clear globe at the top. When one of the kids inserts a coin, the gigantic machine begins to rumble and shake and their strange journey begins. They are unable to fight the strong force that sucks them up the swirling tunnel and inside the gumball machine. Once inside, they find themselves in a strange but colorful, magical world. Unable to escape, the kids explore this odd place and meet some interesting gumball people who show them their world and introduce them to their friends. After a while, the kids begin to worry and wonder whether theyll find their way home or whether theyll have to stay in that gumball machine forever.