Calvit's Shrubs - THAI BASIL with LIME LEAF + Thai Chili Handmade mixer for cocktails or soft drinks (8 oz.)

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DRINKING SHRUBS: Modern craft cocktail enthusiasts have revived this age-old beverage mixer, which adds flavor and intrigue to alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks alike.
HOW TO USE: For a soft drink, pour 1 oz. Calvit's Shrub in a tall glass with ice and fizzy water of choice. For a cocktail, mix 1 oz. shrub to 1 oz. spirits; add mixer to taste.
A NATURAL BEVERAGE: Calvit's Shrubs are made from real fruits and vegetables, using no flavor syrups or concentrates, and sweetened with unrefined cane sugar.
FLAVOR PROFILE (THAI BASIL): A tangy, complex flavor enhancer. Fragrant with real Thai basil and lime leaf. The chili brings tingle to the finish, without making it "spicy." Excellent paired with gin, or with dark rum and lime.
MADE IN THE USA: Hand-crafted by Phil the Shrubber in Minneapolis in service to his motto: "I'd like to punch you in the mouth-with flavor!"


Drinking Shrubs
Shrubs, or drinking vinegars, emerged hundreds of years ago as a way to preserve fruit juice with vinegar and sugar. In recent years, craft cocktail enthusiasts have revived this venerable elixir, greatly to the benefit of the modern drinker.

How To Use
COCKTAIL: Mix 1 oz. of shrub with 1 oz. of your preferred spirit (if you like the taste of liquor at the forefront, use a bit less shrub); add club soda or tonic to taste. A good squeeze of lemon or lime is always a fine idea. Feel free to experiment!
SOFT DRINK: For a delicious, all-natural, hand-made NA refreshment, pour about 1 oz. of shrub into a tall glass with club soda and/or tonic water (about a 1-to-4 ratio) and ice. A squeeze of lime? Sure.

Flavor Profile/Suggested Pairings
Thai basil is one of the glories of Southeast Asian cuisine: bright, floral, aromatic, with a hint of anise flavor. Kaffir lime leaf adds a nice sour funk and a bit of astringency. A little Thai chili brings tang to the finish without making it "spicy." Calvit's Thai Basil shrub is a good pairing with gin, or with light or dark rum. I suspect wonderful things could happen with sake as well.

All Natural
Calvit's Shrubs are made with piles and piles of fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables, with no flavor syrups or concentrates, and sweetened with unrefined cane sugar. Fizz your own water, and you have a delicious, refreshing beverage produced entirely outside of the industrial sugar-water complex!

About Calvit's Shrubs
I started making shrubs when I needed something interesting to drink after I quit drinking. After a bartender introduced me to shrubs, I started playing around with different flavor combos myself, and enough friends and relatives told me, "Man, this stuff is delicious!" that I decided to try selling it. The fact that my custom-created non-alcohol drink alternative is also a fabulous cocktail mixer amuses me greatly.