Cambridge Dinnerplate Dahlia 2 Bulb Clumps

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8-10" flowers
Height: 36-40"
Blooms August till frost in the fall
Hardy in zones 8-10, elsewhere store overwinter
Immediate Shipping, #1 Size - 2 root clumps


Dinnerplate Dahlia. They produce new flowers all summer so you can enjoy them both outdoors and indoors as cut flowers.Native to Mexico and Central America, dahlias provide us with more pleasure than almost any other summer bulb we have because they produce an abundance of wonderful flowers perfect for 'gift giving flower arrangements' throughout early summer and again in late summer until frost. Especially if they are picked for arrangements, these 'cut and come again' plants require almost no care, they appear to be pest resistant and they come in a myriad of colors. Plant in full sun or partial shade. Dahlias have different shapes from the tightly formed flowers of the pompom-types to the looser ones of the cactus-types and the decorative in-between types, they're all terrific!