Natural Nootropics Supplement - Brain Power IQ Super Booster Pills & Memory Vitamins, Improve Cognitive Function and Health with Ginkgo Biloba, Guarana Seed Extract, DMAE and Rhodiola Rosea

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Brain Function Booster - Based on B6, B12 vitamins and powerful natural components improves cognitive speed and memory, as well as helps with memory loss problems.
Ginkgo Biloba - a natural supplement that improves blood flow to the brain; being a perfect natural nootropic, it increases memory and cognitive speed.
Guarana Seed Extract - enhances physical performance and reduces mental and physical fatigue. Used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome and low blood pressure. Early research suggested that a single dose every day can improve brain power.
Mental Focus and Clarity - Combined effect of B6, B12 vitamins and natural nootropics amplifies your ability to concentrate and your brain health.
Natural Anxiety Medication - Rhodiola Rosea has been used for hundreds of years to support brain performance. Rhodiola fits in perfectly with all of the other ingredients, thus, helping re-energize your mind, improves your mood, which in return helps you stay focused on what matters most to you.


Natural Nootropics: This brain and memory vitamin is a fully-balanced nootropic which increases the dopamine and GABA levels, hormones that promote mental health and clarity. Its unique combination improves blood flow and oxygen circulation in the brain. With the proper blood and oxygen circulation, the brain becomes alert and physical energy increases.

Brain Function Support: It contains Vitamin B6 and B12, which have been scientifically proven to prevent memory loss. These vitamins increase hormones, such as serotonin, which improves the mood and supports brain power and health. It helps improve memory and cognitive function.

Brain Booster: The brain formula combines all the essential vitamins that are guaranteed brain boosters. This unique formulation enhances metabolism and energy, reducing tiredness and fatigue, while promoting alertness and cognition as well as supporting memory and concentration.