20th Century Guide to Majestic 12 with FBI Declassified Documents and UFO Files from CIA, DIA, FBI, NSA, NASA, DOD (CD-ROM)

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This electronic book on CD-ROM provides a unique collection of once-secret federal documents about the so-called Majestic 12 memos, UFOs, aliens, extraterrestrials, flying saucer sightings, and the Roswell Incident - including the official Air Force report on the alleged UFO crash with alien bodies in 1947. There is a huge compendium of federal documents about paranormal phenomena, including the Bermuda Triangle! The USAF reports: The "Roswell Incident" refers to an event that supposedly happened in July, 1947, wherein the Army Air Forces (AAF) allegedly recovered remains of a crashed "flying disc" near Roswell, New Mexico... the material recovered near Roswell was consistent with a balloon device and most likely from one of the Mogul balloons. This incredible and comprehensive collection of documents also includes: * Sixty-seven documents released under FOIA by the National Security Agency (NSA) and FBI about UFOs, space aliens, extraterrestrials, and other unusual phenomena, including animal mutilations, Majestic 12, and Project Blue Book. * Majestic (MJ-12) research by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). * Unique NASA document about UFOs - no longer available from NASA because, according to the agency, it is no longer accurate or current. There is no replacement information at this time. FOIA request responses regarding the Kecksberg incident. * 270 documents from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) about UFOs, space aliens, and extraterrestrials. This collection catalogues CIA information from the 1940s through early 1990s. It chronologically examines the Agency's efforts to solve the mystery of UFOs, its programs that had an impact on UFO sightings, and its attempts to conceal CIA involvement in the entire UFO issue. * Military documents on the Bermuda Triangle which is described by the U.S. Navy as an area located off the southeastern Atlantic coast of the United States, which is noted for a high incidence of unexplained losses of ships, small boats, and aircraft. There is material from the Navy, National Weather Service, Department of Energy, NASA, and Coast Guard. * Three major declassified Pentagon reports involving paranormal phenomena: (1) Paraphysics Research and Development in the Warsaw Pact Air Force Foreign Technology Division. Unusual (paranormal) mental functioning. Extrasensory Perception (ESP), Psychokinesis, Remote Viewing, Parapsychology, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Psychoenergetics, Subception, Dowsing, Precognition, Subliminal Response (2) Controlled Offensive Behavior Research in the Soviet Union - Prepared by the U.S. Army. Apport Technique, ESP, Psychokinesis, Reincarnation, Kirlian Photography, Astral Projection, Bioplasma, PSI. (3) Soviet Parapsychology Research, Energy Transfer, Psychotronic Generator, Out-of-Body Phenomena, Psychokinesis (PK).