Watch Me Whip...Watch Me Bake Bake: Blank Recipe Journal (Funny, Humorous and Cute Books and Journals)

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Do you love cooking? Do you believe that cooking is like love, and should be entered into with abandon or not at all? Then you need the Watch Me Whip...Watch Me Bake Bake - Blank Recipe Journal!

This efficient DIY cookbook allows you to organize your most used recipes for easy access. It is a great way to help you become more efficient and organized in the kitchen.

Recipe Ratings
Use the included, recipe rating, stars to easily identify the best recipes.

Easily Accessible Recipe Information
Easily identify recipes for different types of baked goods with special call-outs. Easily determine cooking times and serving information with a quick glance.

Comfortable Size
The Create Your Own Cookbook comes in a convenient 7x10 size allowing more room for capturing notes or larger handwriting to make your recipes easier to read. It still has room for plenty of recipes and is still light and easy to handle.

The Perfect Gift For Your Favorite Cook

Buy Now, and Begin Your Create Your Own Cookbook/Recipe Journal Adventure Today.

Click the Buy button at the top of the page to begin.