Cloverleaf Farm - Comfrey Herbal Ointment

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Heals broken bones
Heals skin wounds quickly
Emoillent for skin wounds
Heals boils and acne naturally


Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) herb is also well known as Knitbone. Comfrey leaf and root promotes healing of sprains, broken bones, bruises and sore muscles. Comfrey is also a wonderful herbal healing ointment for acne, boils, cuts scrapes, wounds and other skin conditions. Our Comfrey Ointment contains base of our own organic comfrey oil (comfrey herb in almond and apricot oils), and beeswax. 100% pure organic lavender essential oil is added as a natural preservative. Dab onto affected area 3-4 times a day. For sprains and bruises make sure to rub gently. Comfrey heals tissue quickly, and therefore Comfrey should not be used on open wounds unless the are thoroughly cleaned. If the wound is not cleaned well, this could trap in dirt, and an infection could occur. Customer Testimonals "We used it when my husband broke his foot, and it helped him heal more quickly. The doctor was amazed at how well and how fast he healed."- Kiana, Maine "I used it on a boil, that my doctor said I should have drained. I put it on 3 times a day, and the boil healed on it's own in about a week..naturally."- Robin,California