Organic Spirulina Hawaiian Super Absorbent w/ BioPerine Maximum Nutrient Density & Rich Bioavailability| Blue Green Algae Lowest Lead Levels World's Healthiest Superfood

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What is BioPerine is an extract obtained from the black pepper fruit that is cultivated in the damp, nutrient-rich soil regions of southern India. The delicate pepper berries are harvested just prior to ripening and then sun dried to assure optimum maturity and quality. BioPerine has been clinically tested in the United States. BioPerine significantly enhances the bioavailability of various supplement nutrients through increased absorption. What is Spirulina really is just a type of blue green algae that grows naturally in alkaline water. It is the world healthiest food rich in beta carotene (10 times more concentrated than carrots) and phytonutrients. This tiny aquatic plant offers 60% all-vegetable protein (with all the essential amino acids), essential vitamins (high in B12 and B complex) and phytonutrients such as the antioxidant beta carotene, the rare essential fatty acid GLA, sulfolipids, glycolipids and polysaccharides. Its deep color comes from its rainbow of natural pigments: chlorophyll (green), phycocyanin (blue) and carotenoids (orange), that harvest the sun energy. Spirulina was once classified as a plant because of "its richness in plant pigments as well as its ability of photosynthesis," according to a study published in the journal Cardiovascular Therapeutics.There are several species, but mainly only three are used Spirulina platensis, Spirulina maxima and Spirulina fusiformis are studied extensively because of their high nutritional as well as potential therapeutic values. Quality That Gives You That Peace of Mind EcoSource Labs follows only high standards of quality control with every supplement from design to manufacturing. FDA regulated only adhearing to the strictest guidelines. From product development to finished product EcoSource Labs only provides the highest quality supplements available today |GMP Certified NSF Certified 3rd Party Testing|