The DisGruntled Employees' Ultimate Handbook

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The DisGruntled Employees' Ultimate Handbook is the first book written on workplace violence from the viewpoint of the employee, a DisGruntled Employee. It is a how-to book designed to avoid workplace violence and, at the same time, help the Disgruntled Employee get justice, all using legal techniques. Workplace violence is reaching epidemic proportions with 4,100 people assaulted every single day; more than 1.5 million people assaulted annually. Workplace violence is at the highest and bloodiest point it has ever been in history. The book takes the reader from 'Don't even pick up a gun' all the way to total satisfaction and the ability to get on with their life, or anywhere in between. The book covers everything: outrageous statistics, the documentation process, an employee's chain of command, free legal referrals, etc. There are over 150 phone numbers listed of different agencies to get help. If you, or any one you know, has ever had any trouble with your boss this is the book for you.