Outsidepride White Miniclover Seeds - 1/4 LB

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Miniclover is a perennial, white clover which only grows to approximately 4 - 6 inches tall after it is mowed a few times. Mix with current lawn as a natural fertilizer as clover fixes nitrogen from the air.
Miniclover or this micro type clover is a trifolium repens seed used as a lawn alternative or ground cover. Microclovers are much better than other white clovers for lawns.
Many people also use this dwarf white clover for a ground cover when looking for a lawn alternative.
Compared to white Dutch clover, Miniclover only gets half as tall and the leaf heads are only 1/3rd to 1/2 as large. Miniclover is the perfect lawn alternative for those who want a no mow lawn.
You can grow this seed in USDA Zones 3 - 10 as a perennial. Sow 1 - 2 pounds of clover seeds per 1,000 SF.


Miniclover (Trifolium repens) is a perennial clover which is great to use in lawn mixtures as a natural fertilizer similarly to other dwarf, low growing, micro clover products. White clover takes nitrogen out of the air, bringing this most essential fertilizer "down-to-earth" by means of nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in nodes along the roots. Of course, all at no cost to you, in terms either of money or of maintenance. Miniclover, a very small leaved white clover only reaching approximately 4 inches in height, also produces stolons so that it can spread itself evenly over the ground. Adding just 2 - 5% of Miniclover to the turf seed mixture will result in a much-improved lawn. It has all the benefits of regular clover just packed into smaller leaves. Miniclover's ability to pull nitrogen from the air and fix or convert it to a usable form by the plants makes it a great companion for turf grass varieties similar to other dwarf, low growing, micro type variety clovers. When Miniclover is planted in warm temperatures and kept moist, you will have sprouts typically within 5 - 7 days. Miniclover will flower once a year in the summer for about 1 month if it is not mowed.