23andMe DNA Test Ancestry Personal Genetic Service - includes at-home saliva collection kit

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Get a detailed breakdown of your ancestry from 31 populations worldwide, see if some of your DNA comes from Neanderthals
Find and connect with new relatives from around the world
Provide a saliva sample using our at-home kit and send it back, results ready in about 6-8 weeks
No additional lab fee required, and you always have the option to upgrade to add health reports for an extra cost
Subject to 23andMe's Terms of Service at 23andme.com/tos and Privacy Statement at 23andme.com/privacy


How it works? Provide your saliva sample from home. Mail it back to our lab in the same kit it came in- the postage is prepaid.

You will get access to the following Reports and Tools:

1) Ancestry Composition - See how your DNA breaks out across 31 populations worldwide.
2) DNA Relatives - Opt-in to connect with people who share DNA with you - and message them.
3) Haplogroups - Trace parts of your ancestry to specific groups of individuals from 1,000+ years ago.
4) Share & Compare - Explore genetic similarities and differences between you and your relatives.
5) Neanderthal Ancestry - Discover if you inherited some Neanderthal DNA.