Fun and Function Vest Weights for Weighted Vests, Set of four 1/4 lb. Weights

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Includes Four 1/4 lb. weights
Portable - These weights are totally self-contained and extremely portable
Designed for SPD Therapy - Use these weights as part of therapy strategies for kids with autism and sensory processing disorder
Sits Snugly in Vest Pocket - These weights will fit the pockets of a children's weight vest like a glove
Trusted Materials - Each weight consists of steel pellets encased in a polyester cover


Vest Weights from Fun and Function are an essential part of weight vests. They are designed to be used in several weighted vests also made by Fun and Function. Each weight consists of steel pellets securely held in polyester covers. These weights will fit perfectly in the inside pockets of the weighted vests.

Weighted vests can be used as part of a therapy strategy that deals with proprioceptive input. They are excellent tools for helping children with autism and sensory processing disorder.

Use only with adult supervision and under the guidance of a therapist.