The Holding Space Practice: How to find deep and permanent peace, happiness and internal joy regardless of past traumas, present challenges, or future fears.

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It is always hard to summarize deep concepts and ideas in a nutshell in a way that makes sense or conveys the true nature and power of them. That said, here are a few things to give you the flavor of what The Holding Space Practice might include followed by the titles of the eight tools that are introduced as part of The Holding Space Workshop. What does it mean to Hold Space? Here is a starting point: Honor individual without judgement, first self then family then others Suspension of anxiety over expected outcomes Accepting "now" as it really is without undue regret or control Allowing self and others to choose as we avoid inappropriate pressure, collusion, manipulation and/or exploitation. These are the titles of the tools we use to work on Holding Space: 1. Being without doing 2. Bravely seeing truth 3. Feeling feelings without words 4. Allowing without trying 5. Gently noticing with curiosity 6. Staying in the space without giving into distraction 7. A place where time and space are fluid; where inside and outside meet. 8. Love is the end result. It IS the space and circle.