Pure Peruvian Organic Maca Powder, 1 Pound, Gelatinized for Powerful Bio-Availability, Libido & Energy Booster, Non-Irradiated, Non-Contaminated, Non-GMO and Vegan Friendly.

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USDA Organic Gelatinized Peruvian Maca Powder. Powerful Libido and Energy Booster.
Excellent source of Proteins, Fiber, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Fatty Acids.
No GMOs, No Irradiation, No additives, No preservatives, No fillers, No artificial colors and Gluten Free.
Scoop included to get the perfect measurement every time. Take it daily with or between meals by adding it to a shake or smoothie, and see what the most nutrient-dense super food on the planet is all about.
Powder lover? Take it naturally in powder for higher concentration, quicker absorption, easier on the stomach, and more ways to have fun!


Maca has been cultivated by the native people of Peru for over 2000 years. It grows at elevations between 10,000 and 15,000 feet and thrives in the harsh conditions of the barren high plateaus of the central Andes. Maca is so nutrient-packed that Inca warriors reportedly consumed it to energize themselves for battle. Although unrelated to Ginseng, it is sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng because of its similar properties.

Dried Maca contains about 59% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and 2.2% lipids. Maca is also a good source of iron, magnesium, calcium (more than milk), potassium and iodine. Maca is mostly known for its outstanding stamina enhancing properties. Maca is not a stimulant, rather, it is a stress-adaptor. It aids energy and endurance, helps to maintain a healthy immune system and re-mineralizes poorly nourished bodies.

Maca is also well-known as a natural balancer used traditionally to enhance sexual function in both men and women, to increase fertility and to help alleviate menopause symptoms. The key to Macas stamina effects appears to be two groups of novel compounds called macamides and macaenes. Maca has also traditionally been used to help to support joint and respiratory health and to improve mood and support memory functions.