New Game Changing Feminine Care Product. 50% More Product, Larger Wipe, Same Price! pH Balanced, Safe, Simple and Effective in Helping Prevent UTI's, Yeast Infections and Vaginitis.

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Resealable flat pack with 50% more product at the same price!
30 count 8" x 8" feminine care wipes that are soft and flushable.
Antibacterial without Antibiotics
Hypoallergenic, Biodegradable, Paraben free and pH balanced
Safe, simple and effective feminine care products from Dr. Soother's .


Dr. Soothers Healthy Wipes gently cleanses and soothes irritated skin while maintaining a healthy pH. All of which helps to prevent UTIs, yeast infections and vaginitis. Twice daily use will maintain a healthy perineum area and restore comfort.