The Labyrinth Door Knockers Pair , Left and Right

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This if for a full set of resin cast and hand painted Door Knocker replicas from the movie, The Labyrinth. They will look great on your front door or even hanging on the wall! The Door knockers are about half scale to the movie version and measure in at about 10-12 inches from top to bottom, not including the knocker ring. (The knocker rings are included in the purchase.) The knocker comes with a metal hook on the back for easy hanging and will make a great addition to your front door, hall, wall or where ever you need a stately movie guardian! Sadly the door knocker can't talk. I usually make these when ordered so it can take a several days to get the item ready for shipping just depending on how much material I have on hand. Contact me if your concerned about the delivery time as I may be able to get it ready faster. Message me if you have any other questions!