CRI Genetics Ancestry DNA Kit - Uncover Your Family History From Home With a Simple Swab of Your Cheeks & the Most Accurate Genetics Science

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Within a few weeks, get access to a detailed breakdown of YOUR BIOGEOGRAPHICAL ANCESTRY COMPOSITION
=> Get a map and breakdown of your ethnic makeup with Complete Reports on each region.
=> When and how each of the regions entered your ethnic background.
REAL SCIENCE & ACCURATE RESULTS Based on Genealogy AND Anthropology
=> Our geneticists will compare Your DNA against 642,824 genetic markers multiple time for the most accurate results of the market.
=> Gently rub the inside of your cheeks and that's it!
Reports Available in 8 Weeks or you get *** YOUR MONEY BACK ***


CRI Genetics is an advanced team of Geneticists, Anthropologists, and Social Scientists, who work together to deliver you the most accurate estimation of your ancestry possible.

How does it work? Gently rub the inside of your cheeks to collect your DNA sample from home. Mail it back to our lab in the same kit it came in - the postage is prepaid.
Available to both Men & Women.

CRI Genetics has a unique approach to genealogical testing. We are an advanced team of Geneticists, Anthropologists, and Social Scientists with the education, tools, and skills to provide you the most accurate estimation of your BioGeographical Ancestry. We combine Genetics with Anthropology to trace the migrations of the human race. When we test your DNA against the samples from around the globe, we can figure out where you fit in the rich history of our species.

Unlike some companies who claim to compare your DNA against thousands of genetic markers in order to compile your reports, we only look at 642,824 specific markers that are backed by scientific research to be the most relevant to tracing ancestry. If we were to compare thousands of other markers, it could skew the results. Our goal is to provide you with the most statistically likely estimation of your ancestry, not impress you with big misleading numbers.

Your reports will be available within 8 Weeks or *** you get Your Money Back! ***