CellMaxLife DNA Cancer Risk Test - Hereditary Cancer Test - Genetic Test for Cancer - Covers 98 Genes & 25 Hereditary Cancers Including Breast Cancer (BRCA1 & 2), Ovarian, Skin, & Colon

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DNA cancer risk test for 98 genes including BRCA 1, BRCA2 & CHEK2
Learn genetic risk for 25 cancers, including Breast Cancer, Ovarian, Skin, Prostate, Lung, Bladder, Kidney, Oral, Stomach, Pancreas, Thyroid, Prostate, Kidney & Colorectal
Provide a saliva sample in the comfort of your home
Ship the tube directly to our laboratory in a pre-paid mailing envelope. Within 3-4 weeks of sample receipt, you will receive a report of your cancer risk profile along with a personalized health risk management plan
This test covers all American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG) and National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guideline-recommended genes


Our test is comprehensive and looks for mutations in 98 genes and 25 hereditary cancers. Other tests offer fewer genes for fewer cancer types and will miss mutations that confer risk for cancer. Why get tested? Genetic testing for hereditary cancer risk assessment can help with early cancer detection. Gene mutations are abnormalities in the DNA that can increase cancer risk by 20 times. Such genetic mutation associated with increased cancer risk is passed down from parents to children. Individuals who inherit mutated genes have a greater risk of getting cancer and get cancers earlier in life. Additionally, their cancer is usually more aggressive. Some of the most widely followed mutation genes are BRCA1 and BRCA2, which are known to increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, as well as prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, and male breast cancer. Hereditary Cancers & Gene Mutations List Examines 98 Genes for Mutations associated with 25 Hereditary Cancers Cancers: Bladder, Blood, Bone Sarcoma, Brain Tumors, Breast, Central Nervous System, Cervix, Colon, Endometrium, Esophagus, Gastric, Head and Neck, Kidney, Lip, Liver, Lung and Pleura, Miscellaneous Endocrine, Oral, Ovaries, Pancreatic Exocrine, Pancreatic Endocrine, Peripheral Nervous System, Pheochromocytoma, Prostate, Rectal, Sex Cord Tumors, Skin, Skin Basal Cell, Soft Tissue Sarcoma, Thyroid Tumors. This test is conveniently packaged as a kit. You will collect a saliva sample at home to ship directly to the laboratory in a pre-paid mailing envelope along with completed intake form. Instructions for easy collection are included. Take all medications as prescribed and do not eat, drink, smoke, chew gum, floss, or brush your teeth for 30 minutes prior to the saliva collection.