Calming Stress Relief and Anxiety Supplement with 18 natural ingredients: Valerian, Chamomile, Hops, Passion Flower, megadose Vitamins B and C and more. Promotes serene and tranquil mood.

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PROMOTES A CALM AND RELAXED MOOD and helps replenish the bodies stores of vital minerals and vitamins.
PREMIUM HERBAL BLEND of 18 different anxiety and stress supportive herbs, vitamins, and minerals -- 2200 mg per serving. A great value!
MANUFACTURED in the USA; Quality FDA Registered facility
VIBRANT ESSENCE 100 PERCENT MONEY BACK GUARANTEE -- If you do not love this wonderful supplement -- you get a full refund, no questions asked!


When stressed, the body releases the hormone cortisol, plus magnesium and calcium. Your fight or flight system is also activated and fats and carbohydrates are released into your blood stream for use as energy. Vitamins B and C are needed to breakdown these fats and carbohydrates into a form your body can use. While under stress, this process can deplete your bodies natural nutrient stores of these vital minerals and vitamins. Low levels of these nutrients are associated with reduced energy and elevated stress. This herbal formula contains scientifically proven ingredients that target stress. The combination of vitamin C with several essential B vitamins is important for maintaining your energy throughout the day and especially during stressful situations. Stress can lead to reduced energy levels, but if you take a supplement containing these essential nutrients on a daily basis, you can get through such events without feeling exhausted afterward. Research even indicates that maintaining adequate levels of B vitamins and vitamin C in the body helps individuals sustain higher levels of concentration during the work day. Para-aminobenzoinc acid has antioxidant properties that strengthen the immune system and improve the body's ability to preserve high levels of energy. Ingredients promoting relaxation are hops, chamomile, valerian root, and passion flower. Passion flower, in particular, has been shown through research to reduce irritability and tenseness, but it also stimulates the activity of a chemical in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This specific chemical helps improve mood, induces feelings of calmness, and targets symptoms of anxiety. Therefore, passion flower supports your ability to mentally and emotionally handle stressful situations. Several of the ingredients boost energy levels and ensure that you do not experience fatigue during the day.