Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) Liquid Extract Tincture 4 oz

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Highest Strength, Super concentrated Skullcap liquid extract!
Skullcap tincture contains ONLY natural ingredients!
High Quality Skullcap liquid extract - crude extract of first extraction! We meticulously produce our extracts according to precise standards where each herb is extracted according to the distinct characteristic of each plant!
Super concentrated Skullcap extract: dry material / menstruum ratio 1:3!
We strictly use only organic or ethically sourced wild harvested material, organic alcohol, vegetable glycerin and crystal clear water! Really the BEST Skullcap extract on market! Made with love for plants and respect for Nature!


Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) also known as Scutellaria, Scullcap, Scute, Blue Skullcap, Mad-Dog Skullcap, and Madweed. Skullcap is an herbaceous perennial mint with ridged leaves and tiny flowers that can range in color from purple and blue to pink and white. Skullcap contains volatile oil, scutellarin, bitter glycoside, tannin, fat, bitter principles. 15-20 drops of skullcap tincture taken every hour or two can lessen the severity of drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms.