Kirkland Signature Esomeprazole Magnesium Acid reducer 42 capsules compare to Nexium 24 hour Delayed-release capsules 20mg Treats frequent heartburn

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24 Hour frequent heartburn protection in an easy-to-swallow capsules; Delayed Release Capsules
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Three 14 day course bottles


Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs), the newest class of heartburn medications, actually deactivate the pumps in the stomach lining from producing acid, significantly inhibiting acid production (and its overproduction) at the source. PPIs are available over-the-counter or as a prescription to treat ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and erosive esophagitis. PPIs include Kirkland Signature Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed-Release Capsules 20 mg (treats the same symptoms as Nexium 24 HR), Omeprazole Delayed Release Tablets 20 mg (treats the same symptoms as Prilosec OTC) and Lansoprazole Delayed-Release Capsules 15 mg (treats the same symptoms as Prevacid 24HR), to treat frequent heartburn that occurs two or more days per week. These products may take 1 to 4 days to work initially and are not indicated for immediate relief of frequent heartburn.