Beverly International Muscle Provider Protein Powder 30 servings, Vanilla. 10X-Strength whey protein hydrolysate-isolate for rapid lean muscle repair and growth. Easy bloat-free digestion.

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After heavy lifting, it's the best thing to feed hungry muscles: Muscle Provider (MP) absorbs so quickly you'll literally feel it bringing your muscles "back to life," allowing them to bounce back bigger and stronger, faster.*
10X-Strength: MP outpowers other protein formulas with nearly 10X as much whey protein hydrolysate and 35X as much whey protein isolate, the two fastest-absorbing forms of whey.*
Muscle up, lean out: As MP's high-powered whey proteins go to work on lean muscle, it satisfies your appetite and boosts your metabolism to burn fat faster.*
With its reputation for lean, hard gains and no bloating or water retention, elite natural physique athletes use MP right up to contest day.*
One bottle and you'll want another: Chocolate MP tastes like chocolate cupcake batter; vanilla, like your favorite soft-serve ice cream. Wait until you try our protein pudding recipe!


The Original Designer Protein: First formulated by food scientists in 1995 and unduplicated to this day, MP was specifically designed to maximize lean muscle repair, recovery and growth.*
Cheap proteins are cheap for a reason: Whey protein hydrolysate and isolate are the highest-quality, fastest-absorbing forms of whey. Their levels in MP are considered exceptional by industry standards.
Fresh is best: MP contains proteins obtained from fresh milk supplied by BSE-free cows born and raised in the USA under USDA guidelines. At least half a dozen tests are used to confirm the proteins are fresh and free of contaminates.
Fracture-free: We take special precautions when blending our proteins to ensure theyre not fractured, which could result in a loss of potency. This may be overlooked by other companies.
One supplier: We obtain our proteins from the same supplier so that the potency is consistent from bottle to bottle.
Delicious weight-loss: MP makes yummy shakes, puddings, cookies, pancakes and more. It replaces naughty snacks that bring weight-loss to a standstill.
Effortless digestion: Quick, easy digestion with no bloating or gas. This is one of the benefits of using the highest-quality ingredients available.