How ADHD Affects Home Organization: Understanding the Role of the 8 Key Executive Functions of the Mind

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Do you walk in a room to organize and find yourself paralyzed and overwhelmed? Do you find yourself spending money on organizing solutions that dont work? Do you feel like you put in effort but never make any progress? Or maybe you know exactly what you want to do, and yet for some reason, you just cant get started. Organizing isnt easy. And having ADHD doesnt make it any easier. But it doesnt have to be impossible. If you have ADHD and youve been struggling with organization, it doesnt mean theres something wrong with you. It just means its time to try working with your brain instead of against it. That means: Understanding how your mind works Recognizing your strengths and weaknesses Finding the strategies that work for you In her latest book, Lisa Woodruff explores the executive functions of the mind that directly affect your ability to organize your home: flexible thinking, working memory, self-monitoring, task initiation, planning, and organization. Along the way, she provides tips and strategies for overcoming obstaclestools you can use to get the organized house youve been dreaming of.