Knock Knock Money, Money, Money Receipt Catcher

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Organize those bits and slips of paper once and for all
Includes themed pad, accordion pockets, adhesive tab labels, and pen; 4 x 7.25-inches with an elastic band
Receipt Catchers will help you manage the Benjamin's (or Hamilton's) you drop on any given day so you can take care of business
Miracle receipt holder for purse clutter helps tame paper chaos
Keep track of that money, money, money


Organize those bits and slips of paper once and for all. Receipt Catchers will help you manage the Benjamins (or Hamiltons) you drop on any given day so you can take care of business. Miracle receipt holder for purse clutter helps tame paper chaos! Keep track of that money, money, money! Includes themed pad, accordion pockets, adhesive tab labels, and pen. 4 x 7.25-Inches with an elastic band. Knock Knock is an independent maker of clever gifts, books, and whatever else they can think up. Knock Knock's mission is to bring humor, creativity, and smarts to everyday life. Say something more with #knockknockstuff.