Nature's Solution NTWC5 Organic Worm Castings Fertilizer Bag, 5 lb

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NATURE'S SOLUTION WORM CASTINGS are 99.4% pure castings, which are dark brown, not black (which would indicate anaerobic conditions). They are non-manure based and screened to 1/8 inch. Worms eat the microorganisms growing on the surfaces of organic matter. The worm casts are tiny balls of encapsulated organic matter that are passed out of the worm containing this outstanding community of beneficial microorganisms in high numbers. Use with Nature's Solution Compost Tea, Nature's Solution Ancient Humate, Nature's Solution Sea Kelp, and Nature's Solution Mycorrhizae. The castings add beneficial microbes and organic matter. Some of our competitors offer castings that are black in color indicating that somewhere in the process of producing those castings there were anaerobic conditions. This means that the conditions were right for growing pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms, not aerobic beneficial organisms. Our castings are not black, but dark brown indicating no anaerobic conditions existed in the processing and the environment supported the growth of aerobic beneficial organisms, not disease-causing organisms. The feedstock used in making our castings is non-manure based, while many of our competitors offer only manure-based products. We have chosen not to offer manure-based castings because of controversy in the NOP about manure being a possible source of E. Coli. Our castings are 99.4% pure castings, while our competitors add compost, soil, and other things that cut the potency of the castings, and decrease their purity. If you put our castings in a dish, water will roll right off the tiny-balled casts, while water will sink and absorb in our competitors castings if they have been cut with other materials. Use 8 pounds per 100 square feet (78 pounds/1000 sf) as a nutrient supplement. Apply once each growing season. 5 pounds of castings covers 64 square feet. 0.78 lbs of Nitrogen/1000 sf. (Available in 5 lb, 20 lb, and 2000 lb tote sizes