6 Nano Luffy Moss Balls - 0.6" Marimo for Community Fish Tanks - Absorbs Nitrates & Provides Oxygen in Aquariums: Needs Minimal Care: Perfect for Neon, Tetra, Guppies, Playts & Molly

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NATURALLY SPHERICAL AND SMALL SIZED TO SUIT FISH --- When you have a community fish tank with tetras, guppies, mollies and more, large underwater plants may get in the way and take up space the fish need to swim. Beautiful and compact 0.6" (1.5cm) Luffy Nano Marimo Moss Balls have all the benefits of living plants in your aquarium, but take up very little space. Naturally round marimo grows at a rate of approximately 0.2" (5mm) a year and can live for up to 100 years.
EFFECTIVELY ABSORBS NITRATES AND FISH BY-PRODUCTS --- All fish and aquatic pets produce nitrates and other by-products through excretion. Luffy Nano Marimo Moss Balls act as miniature filters and absorb the nitrates, phosphates and ammonia in the by-products. Maintaining a proper chemical balance in your water is particularly important in community fish tanks because the more fish, the more nitrates and therefore the more marimos needed to absorb the additional by-products.
PROVIDES OXYGEN AND HARBORS BENEFICIAL BACTERIA --- Practical and pretty, Luffy Nano Marimo Moss Balls are an excellent addition to your community tank because they suck up CO2 and release much needed oxygen into your aquarium water. While marimo moss balls absorbs the harmful toxins and debris in your tank, they also harbors beneficial bacteria that makes for terrific seeding material.
PREVENTS EXCESSIVE ALGAE GROWTH --- Unlike its name suggests, Luffy Marimo Moss Balls are actually a rare form of algae that grows on the bottom of freshwater lakes. The marimo needs the same nutrients that undesired, invasive algae species need to survive. Since the marimo are absorbing all of the those vital nutrients, unwelcome and unsightly brown algae won't be able to live and will die off leaving only the bright, beautiful green marimo moss balls.
INCREDIBLY EASY TO TAKE CARE OF --- Perhaps the greatest benefit of Luffy Nano Marimo Moss Balls is their ability to survive with very minimal requirements. Unlike other aquatic plants that can be needy, marimo demands nearly zero maintenance and provides you with all the advantages of having living plants in your aquarium. Marimo thrive in room temperature water with indirect lighting. No additives or fertilizers are needed and there is no need to root or tie down this highly beneficial plant.


What are the benefits of adding marimo to my aquarium?
Overall, adding any living aquatic plants to your community fish tank is very beneficial. Plants do everything from oxygenating your tank and absorbing toxins to providing your pets with a beautiful natural environment. Marimo moss balls provide all of those great benefits while remaining compact in size and being incredibly low maintenance.

How many nano marimo moss balls should I put in my tank per gallon?
The quantity of marimo balls you want to incorporate depend on the size of your fish tank and how many fish you have. A one gallon betta tank with only one fish in it will only need a few nano marimos and maybe one or two supplemental plants. The larger the tank and the more fish, the more marimo moss balls you will need in order to be effective. One package of 6 Luffy Nano Marimo Moss Balls would suffice for a one gallon or even 2.5 gallon tank. At least ten nano marimo balls are recommended for 5 gallon tanks and at least 20 to 30 will be needed in a 10 gallon tank to make a significant impact (depending on how many fish you have).

The very slow growth rate of marimo (5mm per year) means that you can add plenty without worrying about them overgrowing or taking over your tank. Because there is basically no disadvantage to adding marimo to your community tank and they take up such little space with minimal maintenance. you can add as many as you feel comfortable with and will only have a greater benefit.

What do I do when the marimo balls first arrive?
When your package of 6 Luffy Nano Marimo Moss Balls arrive, give them a quick rinse before placing them in your fish tank. The balls may float at first, but once they begin to absorb water, they will gain weight and sink to the bottom. Every so often, gently squeeze the marimo balls, roll them around in your hand for a bit to maintain the shape and then place them back in your aquarium.