Chinese Hardy Panax Ginseng - 20 Seeds

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20 Seeds of Hardy Panax Ginseng - A Highly Valued and Nutritious Plant.
A Plant of Great Medicinal Value.
See the Product Description for Growing Information.
1/2" Planting Depth
Marde Ross & Company has been a Licensed California Nursery since 1985.


To germinate, they must first be subjected to a long period of storage in a moist medium with a warm/cold treatment; a process known as stratification. Because of this requirement, ginseng seed normally does not germinate until the second spring following harvest of berries in the fall. Fall planted, stratified ginseng seed will usually emerge the following April to June. Simple Stratification: Select a container to allow for good drainage and to keep out rodents. Fill the container with alternating layers of seed and clean, moist sand, using at least twice the volume of sand as seed. Bury the pouch under 4 to 5 inches of loose soil in a shaded or north-facing area and cover with several inches of mulch. Bury the box the same way, but have the top of the box only 1 to 2 inches below the soil surface. Mark the location well.