Sanar Naturals Premium Collagen Type 1 Hydrolysate Anti-Wrinkle Formula 150 Caps / Colgeno Hidrolizado Anti Arrugas, Peptides, Bioavailable, Fortifying Tissues for Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails

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SMOOTH BEAUTIFUL SKIN - Collagen nourishes important nutrients in our body to minimize fine lines, wrinkles, and to increase skin hydration and respiration. The Rose Hips, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C work together in a single serving to better rejuvenate your skin!
HEALTHIER SKIN, HAIR and NAILS - Adding collagen to your diet can help repair your body's mechanisms, reverse the aging process, and provide extra protein support!
PIEL SUAVE Y HERMOSA - Colgeno nutre los nutrientes en nuestro cuerpo para minimizar las lneas finas, arrugas, y mejora la hydratacin y respiracin de la piel. Los Escaramujos, la Vitamina E, y Vitamina C trabajan juntos para rejuvenecer tu piel.
RECONSTRUIR TEJIDO CONECTIVO - Quando las proteinas en la piel, los musculos, y tendones degradan con el proceso del envejecimiento, Colgeno reconstruye y cura los mechanismos del cuerpo, fortalece la estructura del tejido reponiendo las proteinas que tu cuerpo necesita. Colgeno Hydrolizado, tambien se conoce como Pptidos de Colgeno, deja la piel sentindose joven.
100% BACKED BY AMAZON'S GUARANTEE. Sanar Naturals, the leading Hispanic Brand for 25 years. Made in USA. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ingredients: Collagen Hydrolysate Type 1, Rose Hips, Vitamin E, Vitamin C


In the aging process the amount of collagen in body's tissue decreases and we begin noticing the signs in our skin (wrinkles), less elasticity in the skin, fragility in hair and nails, spots and much more. It is important to maintain a diet rich in collagen, minerals and amino acids to prevent and correct the effects of aging in our body. Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the body (More than a third of the body's protein is collagen) Collagen makes up to 75% of our skin. Collagen is responsible to transmit tension in tendon, lends structural support in skin and bone and limits expansion in arteries. Collagen plays an integral part during each phase of wound healing, helping to expedite the auto repair mechanism of the body. SANAR NATURALS is not only just a Collagen In the aging process, as the amount of collagen in the body's tissue decreases, the signs become visible: less skin elasticity, wrinkles, fragility in hair and nails, spots and much more. A diet rich in collagen, minerals and amino acids can help prevent and correct the effects of aging. Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the body, making up to 75% in our skin. The structural protein is responsible for transmitting tension in tendons, skin and bone support, and limits expansion in arteries. Collagen also plays an integral part healing wounds, helping to expedite the auto repair mechanism of the body. Sanar Naturals Collagen is blended with Rose Hip, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C to give your body the extra help in producing collagen naturally.