Options Gynol II Vaginal Contraceptive Gel Extra Strength - 2.85 oz. Tube with Refillable Applicator

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Options Gynol II Vaginal Contraceptive Gel Extra Strength can be used on its own, or with a diaphragm or a condom. Works as your stand-alone birth control or as a back up method for extra peace of mind.
Contains no hormones. There are no hormonal side effects associated with Gynol II. That makes it a great choice for when you're breast feeding. (Yes, you can get pregnant while breast feeding!)
Options Gynol II is ready when you are. There is no waiting for it to activate. And it's good for up to one hour after application. PLEASE READ THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PACKAGE INSERT FOR MAXIMUM PROTECTION AGAINST UNINTENDED PREGNANCY.
Each box contains a tube of Options Gynol II Vaginal Contraceptive Gel along with a re-usable applicator. With at least 13 applications per tube, Gynol II is very economical. The applicators are easily filled and you simply wash and let dry between uses.
When used correctly and every time you have sex, Gynol II is 94% effective at preventing unintended pregnancies. Effectiveness drops significantly if you do not follow the instructions. BE SURE TO READ THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PACKAGE INSERT.


Prevent unintended pregnancy with OPTIONS GYNOL II VAGINAL CONTRACEPTIVE GEL EXTRA STRENGTH. Options Gynol II is a hormone-free vaginal contraceptive gel. Gynol II is effective enough to use alone and can also be used with a diaphragm or a condom. Gynol II comes with an economical re-fillable applicator and contains the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 in gel form. Nonoxynol-9 is a powerful sperm-killer. The Options Gynol II gel formulation does not require any waiting before being effective - it's ready when you are. And the applicator provides worry-free placement - putting the sperm-killing gel exactly where you need it to be. Gynol II contains no hormones so there are no nasty, long-lasting hormonal side effects. The gel formula feels natural and can even enhance pleasure as it adds a bit of lubrication.