500ct Live Giant Mealworms, Reptile, Birds, Best Bait-Organically Grown

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Before clicking ADD TO CART, make sure it says (Ships from and sold by GIMMINY CRICKETS & WORMS) other vendors use our listing to sell. SO to find us - look under (Other Sellers on Amazon)
WANT THEM ALIVE? IS IT COLD? If below 40 degrees please purchase heat pack with extra postage, use item B00HC2YQ86 ($3.99)
For their safety, we ship Mondays to Wednesdays only. Always free. Provide cell phone, answer our emails to you, you can call us anytime (760) 705-0250.
Package loose in shipping box with carrots for food/water, unpack them in a larger container, care instructions will be email to you.
They go dormant in weather below 60 degrees. Warm them up in room temperature for 6 hours before assuming they are dead. We add extras to every order-consideration for DOA.


500ct Live Giant Mealworms are healthy and yummy for reptiles, birds, fish. 2 to 3 inch long. For their well being we pack/ship our worms LOOSE in newspaper. When in a confined space worms generate heat, this keeps them from rubbing against each other and get too hot and die also it's food source during their trip, it's a little harder to get them unpack, but its much safer way to ship. Just place the box inside a larger box before shaking them out. In the event you need worm food/bedding they are available for sale on Amazon for $10.99 for 1 lb. includes shipping. It's the same food we feed our Mealworms Giants and Superworms. Just put in listing number B007KO6512.