50 x Showy Milkweed, Asclepias speciosa, Seeds - This Nectar is a specific Monarch Butterfly Food - Zones 3 - 8 By MySeeds.Co

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~ ~ ~ WE OFFER BOTH PKT. & BULK SIZES ~ Showy Milkweed, Asclepias speciosa, Seeds Zones 3 - 8 ~!! Showy Milkweed Asclepias Speciosa is an ornamental native wildflower. It's perfect for home landscaping and use in the butterfly garden or prairie meadow, and it attracts hummingbirds as well. The eye-catching furry pale pink to pinkish-purple flowers are arranged in thick umbels. Their corollas are reflexed and the central flower parts, five hoods with prominent hooks, are star-shaped. The fruit is a large, rough follicle filled with many flat oval seeds with luxuriant silky plumes. It flowers from May to September. Butterflies Asclepias speciosa is a specific Monarch butterfly food and habitat plant. This perennial is 1-1/2 - 5 feet in height and spreads 1 to 1-1/2 feet. Average, dry-medium, well drained soil. Full sun May self-seed if seed pods are not removed before they split open. Attracts Hummingbirds and Butterflies. People have also used milkweed for fiber, food, and medicine all over the United States and southern Canada. Milkweeds (especially Asclepias speciosa) supply tough fibers for making cords and ropes, and for weaving a coarse cloth. Milkweed is a very versatile plant that is easily grown from flower seeds! Growing Showy Milkweed from flower seed is very rewarding. It is appropriate to sow Showy Milkweed seeds outdoors after the frosts of fall have begun. The cold, dormant planting will aid the germination of the seed in spring when temperatures warm. If sowing Milkweed seeds indoors or in a greenhouse, refrigerate the flower seed for 2 months before sowing. The cold treatment will help to break the dormancy of the seed. WARNING All milkweeds are poisonous if ingested, and the milky sap is a skin irritant. The butterflies whose caterpillars feed on milkweeds contain the same poisonous glycosides and are poisonous as well.