TA-65 Telomerase Activator 250 U/90 Caps/Peptides EGF Rg-Cell Serum

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Cell Rejuvenation/Concentrated Restorative Serum


Radiant RG-CELL's Concentrated Restorative SERUM with EGF is a high performance skincare product offering an incomparable combination of EGF, AFA Algae, Vegan Green Caviar extract, Soy Isoflavones and Hyaluronic Acid. Each ingredient interacts synergistically signaling increased cellular activity for renewed collagen, elastin and other essential skin proteins. The result is a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, restored radiance and suppleness. Radiant RG-CELLTMs serum provides stem cell support of the first magnitude. Unlike other products on the market using plant stem cells to improve the skin, RG-CELL uses cytokines to turn on cell support messengers in the skin and create healthy new stem cells and trigger the migration of dormant cells to areas of damaged skin. Skin cell turnover takes approximately 20 days when we are in our 20s but as we get older this turnover can be 30 days or more. Supporting stem cells during this process stimulates the fibroblast production of collagen, increasing firmness and elasticity. The result is a reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for a smoother, healthier younger looking skin.