Shred Mode The Ultimate Fat Burning Supplement Advanced Fat Burner Bodybuilding Ripped Factor Pro Force Supplements XTREME Fat Loss

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Elevates Metabolism
Reduces Body Fat
Increases Nitric Oxide Levels
Maximizes Energy and Endurance
Promotes Lean Muscle


"The Ultimate Fat Burning Supplement" TM What is it? Shred Mode is a scientifically blended (Patent Pending) fat loss supplement from the makers of T40 2.0! Shred Mode has been designed to target fat by elevating the metaoblic rate, and improving the work output when training. Shred Mode is a fat burning POWERHOUSE! You will be well aware within your first workout, why Shred Mode is the 700 pound gorilla in the room of Performance and Fat Burning supplements! Why does it work? While developing Shred Mode it was found that the benefits of Cayenne Pepper could be amplified when combined with other ingredients. Thus strengthening it, and improving it at very low doses. Simply put, the secret ingredient (Cayogen TM) enhances, and makes the fat burning process cleaner, and more efficient. No corners are cut when combining ingredients to surround this amazing discovery. All ingredients are of pharmaceutical grade, and synergistically work together for the ULTIMATE fat burning experience! Benefit Overview Increased Energy Delayed Fatigue Longer/Harder Workouts Elevates Metabolism Initiates Recovery Process ALL NATURAL! "You might have thought you trained, until you've tried Shred Mode, and then you'll ask yourself how the heck I trained without this stuff!" Who's Using it? Basketball Players MMA Fighters Football Players, Pro/Collegiate Wrestlers Bikers Marathon runners Sprinters Boxers