Hitachi 20163S Hitachi 20163S 3-1/4-in X .131 Hot Dipped Galvanized Plastic Collated Nails, ,

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The smooth shank nail provides excellent holding power in most wood applications
Plastic collating not likely to cause splitting of wooden materials
Hitachi 20163S 3-1/4-in X .131 Hot Dipped Galvanized Plastic Collated Nails


Hitachi Power Tools (Hitachi Koki USA, Ltd) offers an extensive line of professional grade power tools and accessories for woodworking, metalworking, drilling and fastening, concrete drilling and cutting, outdoor power equipment products as well as a complete line of pneumatic nailers, staplers, compressors and collated fasteners. Hitachi Koki USA, Ltd. is the North American division of Hitachi Koki Japan, a subsidiary within Hitachi Ltd.