The Man Who Listens to Horses: The Story of a Real-Life Horse Whisperer

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The Man Who Listens to Horses


Monty Roberts is a real-life horse whispereran American original whose gentle Join-Up training method reveals the depth of communication possible between man and animal. He can take a wild, high-strung horse who has never before been handled and persuade that horse to accept a bridle, saddle, and rider in thirty minutes. His powers may seem like magic, but his amazing horse sense is based on a lifetime of experience. In The Man Who Listens to Horses, Roberts reveals his unforgettable personal story and his exceptional insight into nonverbal communication, an understanding that applies to human relationships as well. He shows that between parent and child, employee and employer, abuser and abused, there are forms of communication far stronger than the spoken word that are accessible to all who will learn to listen. This new edition features engaging photographs, a chapter that traces Robertss amazing experience gentling with a mustang in the wild, and an Afterword about the remarkable impact this book has had on the world.