Robert David Wright: (An American Autobiography)

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When writing about most any topic, theres always the question of what to write and what to leave out. It is my full intention to put into this concise autobiography as much information as I can, hoping that at least parts of my life story will be beneficial to someone at sometime and perhaps help them or another in their life journey--for we are all here to help one another.I praise God for the ability to read and write, which can often be taken for granted in our modern world. It truly is a blessing. Ive always had a great fondness for reading and writing, and always wanted to be both a better, more widely read reader as well as a much better, more widely read writer. Instead of making this autobiography one long chronological prose without chapters, which at first I thought I might do, I quickly came to the realization that someone might want more organization so that they could turn directly to a particular category and read about a specific topic and/or retrieve certain information. In addition, I soon found that a long chronological text would be more difficult and not serve my purposes as well. Anyway, I feel that for a work of this size, nature and content, chapters are definitely a must. And although some of the material might be stated more than once, I prefer that rather than run the risk of omitting someone or something.In places, this book is not of any particular design or sequence, except maybe in the beginning, where it does somewhat follow a resemblance of chronological order, and within each chapter there is some chronological pattern. However, a good deal of the text isnt in any intentional format or sequence of significance or type of specific arrangement, although I did give it as much organization as necessary. Also, in no way is anything written here in any particular manner thats meant to favor anyone or any events of any kind. I simply wrote down what I could when I could the best I could. And I did so in more of a freehand style in which I didnt do much editing or rewriting (mostly in the journal), because in that way readers can obtain more of an idea of my personality--for what its worth. My motivation for writing this autobiography was perhaps somewhat selfish, yet altruistic. I wanted to state as much about myself as I could so that others might have a view of what my life has been like, and enable them to better understand themselves and their world. Truly, writing my life story has helped me to see more clearly myself and others, as well as our world and universe. At the same time, I was interested in writing down what I could for all of my children and future generations so that they would have something from me that might be of benefit to them someday and give them a sense of being, import and connectedness. Also, portions of this book are designed to convey information about some of our ancestry, and a few of the lessons that Ive learned, or havent learned, in my lifetime--for what they might be worth. I started writing an autobiography in my late twenties; but after reading the short document several years later, I didnt likewhat Id written or the way it was done.So in my forty-ninth year (2004) I began this autobiography, which I plan to add to as time goes by--God willing and I am able. There is, without a doubt, always the question of time and how much to devote to what. Anyway, I believe that one aspect of a well-rounded life is writing a quality autobiography; and not necessarily for any other reason except oneself, which reminds me that An unexamined life is not worth living. Yes, a famous quote from the great scholar Socrates.Love, peace and happiness to you all.