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It is time to evaluate your psychology behind your best and worst financial decisions."YOU MUST UNDERSTAND MONEY TO MAKE MONEY"

You may read many books related to earning money, and you still wonder, how you can use those learned techniques to make money. Do not worry, this book is not like others, it gives you an abstract understanding about Money which differentiates POOR people from RICH. If you understand this, you will start making a better decision in your life which ultimately make you RICH.

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...
  • Opportunity Cost
  • Money is Relative or Absolute
  • The Pain of Payment
  • The Price for Freebies
  • Market and Social Norms

This book breaks down how you should perceive Money into easy-to-read chapters. It starts from the very beginning of providing an overview of seeing Money as "opportunity cost" so you will see rest of chapters thinking Money in opportunity cost.

Download"MONEY, THE PSYCHOLOGY OF MONEY: MASTER YOUR SAVING AND SPENDING HABITS" to understand Money and use it to create the life you want.

After reading this book, you will wish that you should have started this book years from now!!Select the "BUY" button for instant download.