Buffering Love - Stories from the App Store

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The World Wide Web is a gratifying nexus of social courtesies. But does it make relationships easier to build or destroy? Do we relish theanonymity of social media more than its congeniality? And do we feel less accomplished if a day goes by without a comment here or a swipe there? These are some of the questions that the fifteen short stories in Buffering Love explore. The central theme of each revolves around how technology, for better or worse, has splayed into every sinew of our relationships. Each of the stories is named after an app, or a specific technology, that has a role to play in impacting the lives of the protagonists. Set in urban India, the stories take an earnest look at the protagonists who come to terms with physical and emotional displacement in their lives by exploiting technology sometimes as an enabler, and sometimes as a crutch.