Centaury Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 513808)

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Centaury Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 513808): Centaury - Centaurium erythraea Raffin. - Family: Gentianaceae. - Other Names: Petite centaure (French); Echtes Tausendgldenkraut (German); centaurea minore (Italian); centaura manor (Spanish). - Description: Centaurium represents a complex of at least 12 subspecies. It is a sparse, erect biennial of about 0.5 m high. A basal rosette of oblong leaves is tbrrned in the first year and a slender, much-branched flowering stalk bearing s


Centaury Tea (25 tea bags, ZIN: 513808): Centaury - Centaurium erythraea Raffin. - Family: Gentianaceae. - Other Names: Petite centaure (French); Echtes Tausendgldenkraut (German); centaurea minore (Italian); centaura manor (Spanish). - Description: Centaurium represents a complex of at least 12 subspecies. It is a sparse, erect biennial of about 0.5 m high. A basal rosette of oblong leaves is tbrrned in the first year and a slender, much-branched flowering stalk bearing small pink flowers emerges in the second year. - Origin: Europe and the Mediterranean; products mainly from eastern Europe and North Africa. - Parts Used: Dried aerial parts, collected while the plant is in flower ( Centaurii herba ). - Therapeutic Category: Bitter tonic (dyspepsia). - Uses and Properties: A bitter tonic to help support digestive disturbances, chronic dyspepsia, and lack of appetite. Traditionally though - Traditionally used to help support loss of appetite, digestion, co